Need to dig narrow trenches to install cables, signs, pipes, posts or other underground utilities? Hydroexcavation is the best technique for accurate, precise slot trenching. Risks of Conventional Methods Traditional slot trenching methods were time-consuming and dangerous. Doing the work manually is extremely hard and poses serious safety risks. Conventional methods also failed at digging...Read More
No matter where you live in the United States, odds are that there’s an underground utility line positioned nearby. They are under the ground that you live, work, drive and play on. There are two key strategies for safely working around these underground utilities: calling 811 before you dig and using vacuum excavation trucks. When...Read More
Excavation is a necessary but often cumbersome and disruptive public service. While traditional excavation is fast, hydro excavation is safer for cables, underground pipes, utility lines, work teams and communities. What is Hydro Excavation? Hydro vacuum excavation is a non-destructive method of moving earth. Using this method, operators use pressurized water to break up soil....Read More
Get maximum payload, unbeatable performance and increased productivity with the TRUVAC FLXX hydrovac excavation truck. This safe-digging machine is ideal for a variety of applications in ways that a full-size truck just isn’t. The smaller, more maneuverable package can’t be beat when it comes to efficiency, safety and power. Expert Service and Support The only...Read More
Mapping underground utility locations and using flags to mark “suggested” locations is the best way to reduce the risk of damage while working. However, maps and location methods don’t always provide exact depths and locations of buried utility lines. Visual confirmation remains a tried-and-true method to increase safety on job sites, and hydrovac excavation trucks...Read More
April is National Safe Digging Month, and one of the best ways to celebrate is always calling 811 at least 72 hours before digging.Taking this simple step can prevent injuries, utility outages and property damage. What is 811? 811 is the national call-before you dig phone number. Before digging, call to request that the locations...Read More
Safe-digging technology is essential for every industry, whether you work in construction, transportation, engineering or mining. Our TRUVAC hydrovac trucks increase both productivity and safety. Keep reading to learn how. Utilities Our TRUVAC trucks are ideal for cable installation, replacing utility pole holes, gas distribution construction, cleaning submersible transformers and more. They are also the ideal...Read More
When it comes to hydro vacuum excavators, new machines and new innovations are giving rise to greater acceptance in the construction industry. These trucks break up soil by blasting high pressure water through pipes into the ground. After the soil becomes loose, a powerful vacuum system sucks it into a debris tank. In the past,...Read More
Did you know that every six minutes, an underground utility line is damaged in the United States? There are more than 20 million miles of underground utilities in the United States. To put that into perspective, that means that there are more than an entire football field’s length of buried utilities for every single person...Read More
TRUVAC vacuum excavators are the safest, most efficient solution for non-destructive excavation. We use highly-pressurized water and a unique vacuum system to expose or excavate existing infrastructure. While the pressurized water liquifies soil, our powerful vacuum systems extract it from depths of up to 50 feet and from distances of up to 600 feet. Safety...Read More